How To Embed YouTube Videos Into Content Pages

It is easy to embed a YouTube video into a Content page, Category page, or Product page. Follow these steps as an example for Content Pages:

  1. Create a Content Page for the video. Go to Site Content -> Categories -> Categories, and click the plus icon for a new page.

  2. Give the page a Name. (If you leave the code field blank, the system will generate a code for you.)

  3. To identify it as a Content page (i.e., with a URL that starts with /content instead of /category), select Content for the "Category Type" field.

  4. To leave the new page off the category tree (which is typical for Content pages), be sure to set the "Category Tree ID" field to 0.

  5. For the Description field, click the "Source code" icon.

  6. A dialog window will pop up. In this window you will paste in the YouTube "Embed" code for the video.

  7. To retrieve the "Embed" code, go to the video's page on YouTube. Click "Share" and then "Embed." Copy the HTML code that appears in the window.


  8. If the video you want to embed is a YouTube "Short," you must right-click on the short itself and click the link that appears, to copy the "Embed" code.


  9. Back on the new Content page, paste the "Embed" code into the "Source code" pop-up window for the Description. Click "Save" on the pop-up window.

  10. The pop-up window will disappear, and you must click the "Save Changes" button on the main page to save the Content page.