How To Make Bulk Changes With Exports and Imports

  1. Go to the grid screen of the entity you wish to make bulk updates to. In this example, we'll be changing the prices of a group of products in bulk. If desired, use the Filter, Search, Sort, and Columns tools to display just the records you wish to change.


  2. Click the option to Export Page.


  3. A file in CSV format will be sent to your browser; depending on your own computer's settings, you can choose to save the file or open it in an application. Save the file, or open it and then save it.


  4. After saving the file, open it in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice. By default, the file is a comma-separated file, so choose Comma as the field separator.


  5. Use the spreadsheet program to edit the information. This can save a ton of time, especially if you are making the same sort of change to multiple rows. For example, you can apply a formula to multiple rows, or use the program's Find and Replace function. In this screen shot, we are finding and replacing the unit price for the products:


  6. Save the file when you're done making changes. Now to upload the changes, click the option to Import.


  7. On the following screen, click Browse to select the file you were working with, to upload it. Be sure to enable the option to overwrite the file if you have uploaded it before. Then click Preview Import.


  8. On the next screen, review the data about to be imported. All the columns should be preselected for you, assuming you did not make changes to the "header" row of the file. Click Process Import to process the import.


  9. Review the import results for any errors or warnings.



You may export and import up to 1,000 records at a time. To export 1,000 records, set the Per Page value at the bottom of the screen to 1,000 (which is the maximum allowed).


There is no harm exporting and importing records or fields that aren't changing, along with those that are changing, other than it will take a bit longer.


It is not possible to delete records via the Import function, only insert or update. You can delete records via the Delete... link for each record.


You cannot undo an Import, but you can save a copy of the original export before saving your changes. You can then import that copy to reverse the changes.