How To Set Up Google Analytics

As of this writing the SoftSlate Cloud Platform can send specific events related to ecommerce, to Google Analytics, as well as all the page view events and other user behavior events Google Analytics supports by default. The ecommerce events include order totals so you can track how much money you are making from the traffic.

It is also possible to set up Google Analytics under the Google Tag Manager. However, for this method of integration it is up to you to set up the ecommerce-related events in GTM. And those events may not include revenue amounts. For this reason, as of this writing we recommend using the following steps to set up Google Analytics outside of Google Tag Manager. You may still use Google Tag Manager, including its integration with Google Analytics, and some instructions for setting that up are included below.

If you are creating a new GA account from scratch:

  1. Go to and create a new Google Analytics Account, which represents your business.

  1. After creating the Analytics account, create an Analytics Property. The "property" represents your website.

    Check with Google's Documentation since the process may change. As of this writing, this document is useful:

  1. As you create the property, answer the questions it has about your business and your website.

  1. The last step of creating a new property is to set up data collection. When you get to this step, for the platform, choose Web:


If you get lost, or are starting with a property you had already created:

  1. You can create a new Data stream at any time by logging into your existing Google Analytics account, and clicking the "Admin" link from the Home page:


  1. From the Admin screen, navigate to Data collection and modification -> Data streams, and then click "Add Stream":


Choose "Web" for the type of stream.

In either case, create a data stream for your website and copy the tracking code into your SCP account:

  1. Enter your website's URL and name, and create the data stream:


  1. When you get to the installation instructions, click Install Manually:


  1. Paste the tracking code they provide under the Install manually tab, into the "Google Analytics Tracking Code" setting of the Tracking Settings screen:


  1. Turn on "Insert Google Analytics Tracking"

Check back into your Google Analytics account after a couple days, to see that traffic is starting to flow into it.

How To Set Up Google Tag Manager

As mentioned above, it is not necessary to set up Google Tag Manager to track user behavior on your site. However, GTM has a number of convenient features and you can set it up in addition to, or alongside, Google Analytics.

  1. Create a Google Tag Manager Account

    Log into

    Under the Accounts tab, click Create Account

    Name the account after your company.

    Name the container after your website.

    For Target Platform, select Web.

  2. A popup should appear called "Install Google Tag Manager":


    1. Copy the first code chunk that should go into the the tag to the "Google Tag Manager - head Tag" setting on the Tracking Setting screen of your SCP account:


    1. Copy the second code chunk that should go into the tag to the "Google Tag Manager - body Tag" setting on the same screen.

    1. Turn the "Insert Google Tag Manager Code?" setting on.