SoftSlate Cloud Platform Improvements, 9/4/22
Here is a quick update listing some new improvements to the platform deployed on 9/4/22:
Grid improvements
Replace the "i" icon with the record's ID, linked to the details page.
Replace gear icon with column icon, since it's for the 'Display Columns' form.
Displayed Columns form - add heading, align the column names neatly.
Filters form - add heading and label, align enum options in neat columns.
Change table-responsive table-responsive-xl. On large screens lets us use the page's horiz. scrollbar which is always on screen. On mobile, you can still drag the screen over to scroll sideways.
On larger screens, pin the pagination to the bottom. There should be room and it's nice to see there?
Bulk Actions support ('Actions' dropdown menu on Grid screens.)
Multiple selected Units may be assigned to a new Transfer.
UserRoles - assignable on adding a new User.
Products assigned when adding a new Category.
UserRoles - assignable on adding a new User.
Products assigned when adding a new Category.
Categories assigned when adding a new Product.