The system features integrations with both the UPS and the FedEx tracking services. This includes:

  • On-demand, or through Jobs that run nightly or hourly, the system can pull the latest tracking information from FedEx and/or UPS.

  • The system updates all UPS and FedEx Shipments connected to Shipped Orders and Transfers. With each Shipment record, it saves the current tracking status, and updates the dates the Shipment was shipped, delivered and/or expected to be delivered.

  • The jobs can also automatically update Order dates, Order statuses, Transfer dates, and Transfer statuses based on the information from FedEx and UPS. (In turn the status changes can trigger other actions such as notifications.)

  • A built-in Report shows all the latest FedEx and UPS tracking information that has been pulled down.

Topics covered in this document:

How to Set Up the Connection with FedEx

To connect your system to your FedEx account, follow the steps here: How To Connect With FedEx

How to Set Up the Connection with UPS

The process for setting up UPS is slightly different than FedEx's. To connect your system to your UPS account, follow the steps here: How To Connect With UPS

How to Set Up and Activate the UPS and FedEx Tracking Jobs

The process for setting up the FedEx Tracking Job is shown below, but the process is exactly same for the UPS Tracking job. Both jobs are accessible from Operations -> Site Jobs.

  1. Configure the Job settings for the FedEx or UPS Tracking Jobs. Under Operations -> Site Jobs, select Site Job Settings next to each job.


  1. The Jobs have a reasonable set of defaults, but you can adjust them on the Site Job Settings screen, including enabling the system to update Order and Transfer statuses and dates if desired.


  1. Adjust the configuration settings by changing the "Setting Value" for the different settings.

  • Order Statuses: This is a comma-separated list of Order Statuses that limit which Shipments the Job will query FedEx for. Leave blank to use the default set of statuses. By default, the job will pull tracking information down from FedEx for Shipments that are associated with Orders in Shipped through NotComplete status.

  • Transfer Statuses: This is a comma-separated list of Transfer Statuses that limit which Shipments the Job will query FedEx for. Leave blank to use the default set of statuses. By default the job will pull tracking information down from FedEx for Shipments that are associated with Transfers in Shipped status.

  • Unit Statuses: This is a comma-separated list of Unit Statuses that limit which Shipments the Job will query FedEx for. Leave blank to use the default set of statuses. By default the job will pull tracking information down from FedEx for Shipments that are associated with Units in ComingFromPurchase, Assigned, Shipped, Returning, or Missing status.

  • Update Order Dates: If set to 1, the system will use FedEx's tracking information to update the following dates for the Order corresponding to the Shipment: Expected Arrival PickUp, Shipped On, Arrived/Picked Up On, Expected Return, and Shipped Back On.

  • Update Transfer Dates: If set to 1, the system will use FedEx's tracking information to update the Expected Arrival On date for the Transfer associated with the Shipment.

  • Update Order Statuses: If set the 1, the system will use FedEx's tracking information to update the status of the Order. I.e., when the inbound FedEx shipment changes to �shipped,� set the Order status to Returning if it has not been set already. Similarly for Arrived/Picked Up and Shipped.

  • Update Transfer Statuses: If set the 1, the system will use FedEx's tracking information to update the status of the Transfer to Shipped when the FedEx shipment is shipped and Received when the FedEx shipment is delivered.


To activate the UPS and FedEx Tracking Jobs, follow these steps:

  1. Visit each Job's details screen under Operations -> Site Jobs.


  1. Adjust the following Job parameters to activate it:

  • Set the Is Active field to true.

  • Define the Next Fire Time - set this to the time of day, hour, and minute you wish the job to run automatically.

  • Define the Frequency - Hourly or Nightly is recommended.


To run the job manually, follow these steps:

  1. Select "Run Now..." under the three-dots menu.


  1. Review the job settings and click Run Now to run the job.


To view the latest tracking information pulled down from FedEx and UPS:

  1. Whether the job is run manually or automatically, the system stores the tracking information with each Shipment in the system. You can review the tracking information directly through a built-in Report called "Shipments With Recently Updated Tracking Info." You can find and run the Report under the System -> Reports, Jobs & Integrations -> Reports screen.


  1. Click Run Report to view the report.
